Zhen Tong

Zhen Tong

Machine Learning and Algorithm Engineer

About Me

I'm Zhen Tong, a fourth-year Computer Science undergraduate at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. I'm passionate about Reinforcement Learning and Deep Learning, currently diving into ML for generative model and combinatorial optimization problems with Prof. Tianshu Yu. I was a software engineer intern for ML at Siemens in 2022. And now I work as a research assistant at LOGO Lab When I'm not coding, catch me shredding on a snowboard. Cheers!

+86 13760371947

Work Experience

Research Assistant at LOGO Lab
2024 Feb - Present
Research for Generative Model.
ML Software Engineer at Siemens FoShan
2022 July - September
Use machine learning to predict vehicle performance, and implement it in a big data system way.


Bachelor of Computer Science from Chinese University of Hong Kong ShenZhen
2020 - present
CGPA = 3.8 (rank 9)
2020 CUHKSZ School of Data Science Annual Scholarship
2020, 2021, 2022 CUHKSZ School of Data Science Dean List
UC Berkeley Global Access
2023 January - June
cs182 Designing, Visualizing and Understanding Deep Neural Networks Grade A
cs170 Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems Grade A
cs161 Computer Security Grade A-
GPA = 3.9

Teaching Experience

2021 - present
2021-2022 Summer CSC3100 Data Structure
2021-2022 Term2 CSC1002 Computational Laboratory of Python