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Out: Monday, 02 Oct, 2023(Week #5)

Due: Friday, 03 Nov., 2023 (Week #8)

Weight: 5% of the overall assessment

Submission channel: online submission on BB platform

Problem statement

Snooty Fashions is an exclusive custom fashion designer business. The Snooty Fashions Operations Database will keep track of the following:


  1. Create the ER diagram for the Snooty Fashions Operations Database based on the above description (1 mark).
  1. Map the ER diagram for the Snooty Fashions Operations into a relational schema (1 mark).
  1. Write CREATE TABLE statements to create the tables for the Snooty Fashions Operations Database depicted by the relational schema in step 2. (2 marks)
  1. Use INSERT INTO statements to insert no fewer than 2 and no more than 10 records per table in the Snooty Fashions Operations Database. (1 mark)
  1. Save all statements in mc3.sql