CS161 Final Project Design Document


I designed and implemented a secure file sharing client application in Golang. The application utilizes cryptographic primitives and interacts with the Keystore and Datastore servers. Users can authenticate, save, load, overwrite, and append files securely. Additionally, the app supports file sharing and access revocation.

Data Structure


User structure contains rootkey, public key pair, signature key pair and sharenode infomation.

Virtual Node is the intermediate node used to find real node belonging to the file creator. Its uuid is calculated from root key+file name. Its enc/mac key is distributed using HashKDF

Real Node is the node used to get to the file. Its uuid and enc/mac key is randomly generated and store in Virtual/ShareNode. It contains two list for recording uuid of all file chunk

Share Node is the intermediate node used to find real node belonging to the file invitee. When creating invitation Its uuid and enc/mac key is randomly generated and store in Invitation Struct. When accepting invitation the invitee will restore the invitation header sended by the user into another uuid generated from accepter's root key and filename. User can access the sharenode through Invitation Struct.

Invitation Header struct is the intermediate struct used to get the invitation. Since invitation contains a signature that is too big for public key encryption, a intermediate header is used here to be public key encrypted and sended to the invitee. When invitee accept the invitation, it will restore the invitation header to a new uuid generated from accepter's rootkey+filename. The accepter then can access the invitation header on the fly in the future to find the share node of the shared file.

Invitation struct is the struct contains sharenode infomation and file creator signature. Invitee can get the sharenode info from this struct and store it into its user structure.

User Authentification


  1. Check whether there is an empty user name, if yes return error

  2. Check whether public key of the user already exists in the keystore. If yes than there is a repeated username error

  3. Generate password uuid from hash(username) and store hash(password) into datastore for future User Authentification

  4. Generate root key for the user for future key distribute

  5. Generate key for public encryption, digital signature and store it into user structure. Store PKEEncKey and DSVerifyKey into Data store

  6. Initialize the map of the user structure

  7. Generate User Structure uuid from hash(username + password + "User Cipher uuid"), distribute user structure encrpt key from password

  8. Encrpt the user structure and store it into the datastore

  9. Generate User Structure mac uuid from hash(username + password + "User Mac uuid"), distribute user structure mac key from password

  10. Generate mac on the user structure cipher and store it into the datastore

  11. return the pointer to the user structure and the error infomation


  1. Get password uuid from the user name and password the user provided. If uuid generate fail return err

  2. Get hash(password) store in the password uuid. Compare the hash of the password that is provided by user and password in datastore. If not equal then return wrong password err

  3. If the password is correct, then client will generate encryption key, mac key and user struct uuid from username and password.

  4. Client check the mac to make sure integrity is provided and decrypt the user structure

  5. Return the pointer to the decrpted user structure and err infomation

File Storage and Retrieval


  1. Get the virtual node of the file using the file name. If no virtual node is found, that means the user who wants to access the file is an invitee

  2. Creator store file

    1. Get the real node of the file using the filename. If no real node is found, that means the creator wants to store a new file. Else, that means the creator wants to update the file

      Overwrite exist file

      • Delete the file cipher and mac using the infomation from real node

      • Update the Cipher_uuid_list and Mac_uuid_list stored in real node

      • Encrpt and mac the new content using keys stored in real node

      • Update the Cipher_uuid_list and Mac_uuid_list stored in real node

      • Store the new file cipher and mac into the datastore.

      • Get the Real node encrypt key and mac key from virtual node

      • Use the key to encrypt and mac the new real node. Store it into the datastore

      Store new file

      • Generate virtual node uuid using hash(string(userdata.Rootkey) + filename). Generate mac key in a similar way

      • Generate enc/mac key for storing virtual node. They generated using HashKDF on the root key

      • Initialize and store the virtual node (The real node uuid and enc/mac key is randomly generated and stored in virtual node)

      • Initialize the real node and randomly generated the file enc/mac key

      • Encript and mac the content, random generated the cipher uuid and mac uuid, store the content and mac into the datastore

      • Encript and mac the real node and store it into the datastore

  3. Invitee store file

    1. Get the sharenode of the file using the filename. Using the info in sharenode to get the file real node

    2. Delete the file cipher and mac using the infomation from real node

    3. Update the Cipher_uuid_list and Mac_uuid_list stored in real node

    4. Encrpt and mac the new content using keys stored in real node

    5. Update the Cipher_uuid_list and Mac_uuid_list stored in real node

    6. Store the new file cipher and mac into the datastore.

    7. Get the Real node encrypt key and mac key from share node

    8. Use the key to encrypt and mac the new real node. Store it into the datastore


  1. Creator get the real node through virtual node, invitee get real node through share node

  2. User encrypt/mac the new content with keys stored in real node

  3. Random generate new uuid for appended content and its mac. Store it to real node list

  4. Store appended content cipher and its mac into datastore

  5. Restore the real node


  1. Get the real node from the filename

  2. For every uuid in real_node.Cipher_uuid_list, decrypt the content out and append it to previous decrypt content.

  1. Return the file content

File Sharing and Revocation





  1. Check whether the the user can get the virtual node. If not,that means the user is an invitee.

    Creator create invitation

    • Initialize invitation and invitation header

    • Create a new share node for the invitee, update the share node map inside creator's user struct

    • Enc/Mac the invitation, public encrypt invitation header, store them into the datastore

    • Enc/Mac share node and store it into the datastore

    • The invitation head uuid is then sended to invitee


  1. Secret key decript the invitation header sended by the invitor, get the invitation through the invitation header

  2. Verify the signiture of the invitation

  3. Generate the invitation header uuid from root key and file name

  4. Restore the invitation header to the generated uuid for future access



  1. Check whether the user can get the real node. If not then the user isn't the creator, return err

  2. Check whether the revoke recipient is in the share node map. If not then this is an illegal revoke, return err

  3. Creator load the file

  4. Creator delete the old file cipher and mac inside datastore using info from real node.

  5. Creator delete the old real node

  6. Creator random generate the new real node uuid, enc/mac key, file uuid and file enc/mac key

  7. Re-encrypt/mac and store the file and new real node into the new uuid

  8. Update the info in virtual node

  9. Delete the revoke recipient's info in the sharenode map inside creator user struct

  10. Update the sharenode of all the remaining sharenode

  11. Delete the revoke recipient's share node

Efficient Append

Efficient Append

Every time a user append to a file, seperately encrypt the file chunk and store it to a random generated uuid. Store the file chunk uuid info into the real node struct's list for future access. When loading the file, it uses the real node's list to get to every file chunk, decrypt it and concatenate it together to get the whole file content.

Helper Methods

Used to get the virtual node given a filename. If no virtual node is found, find is set to false, which means the user is an invitee

Creator uses it to get to the real node using filename. If no real node is found, find is set to false, which means the creator wants to create a new file

Creator uses it to get the sharenode using recipient name. This method is used in revocation and creatorSetShareNode to get the user's share node who still have access to the file.

Creator uses it to get to the sharenode and update the real node info stored in share node. This method is used in revocation.

Recipient uses it to get to the real node through share node.

Recipient uses it to get to the invitation through invitation header using the file name.

Recipient uses it to get the sharenode through invitation using the file name.

Creator uses it to update the sharenode relevant list inside its user structure when creating invitation

Invitee uses it to check whether the shared file name exists in its namespace, if true an error should be return in AcceptInvitation