

  • Homework: 15%
    Students will be evaluated based on three individual assignments, the exact submission dates of which will be announced on the CUHKSZ Blackboard platform. These assignments collectively account for 15% of the final grade. These assignments are carefully crafted to test students' grasp of key concepts and their ability to apply them independently.
  • Midterm: 15%
    Another 15% of the final grade will be determined by a mid-term quiz, a one-hour closed-book examination.
  • Final Project: 20%
    Collaborative skills and teamwork are important aspects of this course. This project involves a demonstration, a final project report, and an oral presentation, collectively contributing 20% to the final grade. The group project allows students to apply their knowledge in a practical context and develop crucial teamwork and presentation skills.
  • Final Examination: 50%
    Lastly, the final examination is a two-hour closed-book exam, accounting for the remaining 50% of the final grade. The date for this exam will be announced in due course. It serves as a comprehensive assessment of students' overall understanding of the course material.

Teaching Plan

    Week Topic
    1 Introduction
    2 Database Schemas and Architectures
    3 The Relational Model
    4 The Entity-Relationship Model
    5 Functional and Multivalued Dependencies
    6 Database Design and Normalization
    7 SQL Mid-term Quiz
    8 Data Storage Structures
    9 Indexing and Hashing
    10 Transaction Management
    11 Analytic Processing
    12 Data Warehouse and Data Mining
    13 Project Demo and Oral Presentation
    14 Advanced topics on database systems Final Exam Revision

Course Materials

  • Textbook
    A. Silberschatz, H. Korth, and S. Sudarshan, Database System Concepts,7 th edition, McGraw-Hill (2020)
  • Recommended Reference
    R. Elmasri and S. B. Navathe, Fundamentals of Database Systems, 7 th edition, Addison-Wesley (2016)

Academic Honesty

  • Plagiarism
  • Undeclared multiple submission
  • Employing or using services provided by a third party to undertake the examination/final year projects / papers/essays/dissertations, or providing services as a third party, including any one of the following aspects:
    • Employing or using services provided by a third party;
    • Providing services as a third party;
    • Sharing of any materials obtained from the employment or use of services provided by a third party to other students; and
    • Knowingly using materials obtained by anyone who has employed or used the services provided by a third party.
  • Employing or using services provided by a third party to undertake all other submitted work not covered by category (iii) above, or providing services as a third party, including any one of the following aspects:
    • Employing or using services provided by a third party;
    • Providing services as a third party;
    • Sharing of any materials obtained from the employment or use of services provided by a third party to other students; and
    • Knowingly using materials obtained by anyone who has employed or used the services provided by a third party.
  • Distribution/ Sharing/ Copying of teaching materials without the consent of the course teachers to gain unfair academic advantage in the courses
  • Violating rules 15 or 16 of the University's Examination Rules or rule 9 or 10 of the University's Online Examination Rules
  • Cheating in tests and examinations (including violation of rule 17 or 18 of the University's Examination Rules or rule 11, 12, 13, 14, or 16 of the University's Online Examination Rules)
  • Impersonation fraud in tests and examinations (including violation of rule 19 of the University's Examination Rules or rule 15 of the University's Online Examination Rules)
  • All other acts of academic dishonesty